Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Perks to Being a Dreadhead

Having dreadlocks is an amazing adventure, and in my opinion, the good ALWAYS outweighs the bad. Sometimes there are perks to having dreadlocks that you can’t help but ignore. I’ve run into multiple occasions where my dreadlocks’ existence has allowed me to make new friends, gain networking connections and even received free food or drinks. Do not misunderstand me, though. I am in no way stating that getting special treatment is the only reason to appreciate having dreadlocks... but any form of action that allows you to smile is something to be grateful for!

Just yesterday, I went to a local hotdog joint in Joliet, IL to grab a bite to eat with my mom and her boyfriend after an extremely long day. As we discussed what we had a taste for with the woman at the register, the owner walked out of the back to greet us with a friendly smile and welcoming small talk. The man began to ask me about my hair, with common questions about how long I’ve had my hair like this, how I started them and whether or not people with dreads can wash their hair. I talked to him for a while as I multitasked and ordered with the woman behind the counter.  The owner told me “those are pretty badass, girl”, looked at the woman next to him and said “her meal’s on me”.

I was absolutely shocked by the man’s generosity, and my mom couldn’t believe that my hair just got me an Italian beef, extra mozzarella and a side of breaded mushrooms for free. Some people may expect to be able to charm others into receiving free items but this has never been a talent of mine, so I must say… it was a pretty awesome self-esteem boost.

Almost every time I visit a bar, I meet new people because of my hair. They shyly walk up to me like scared puppies until they finally get the balls to ask me what’s on their mind, or whether or not they can touch my hair. Usually I run into the people I have met in the future and they always greet me with warm friendly smiles and inquiries of how I have been. Who would have thought a hairstyle could help you meet new people? Usually if a person has an interest in my hair, they usually I have even received the proposition to allow people to touch my locs in exchange for a drink on them. I almost always accept the offer. Who doesn’t like a free drink from time to time?!

During my internship with the State Senator of my district, I even met potential network connections. You’d think naturally you’d meet future connections through internships but I probably would have never met one of the men I keep in touch with the most if it hadn’t been for him approaching me just to compliment my hair.

My dreadlocks never cease to make me smile!

Come back next week for more From the Desk of a Dreadhead! Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

  1. I Just started my dreads saturday makes a month. IV only washed my hair Once and now theres dandrauf in my hair I want 2 wash but every is telling me I Cant wash until my hair locks..... IDK What to do plz help
